Sadly, an increasing number of people will lose their mental capabilities as a result of illness such as dementia, stroke, from accident or injury, or simply from a natural progression of age.
Who will take care of your affairs if you cannot? No one wants to think that they might lose the ability to make a decision but it is sensible to make plans now for future mental incapacity.
This can be done by making a Lasting Powesr of Attorney. This is a legal document that allows you to appoint someone to make decisions on your behalf about your money and property or your personal welfare such as your care or medical treatment.
The Court of Protection safeguards those who are already unable to make decisions for them or are not able to make a Lasting Powers of Attorney. A Deputy can be appointed by the Court to act on behalf of the incapacitate individual. The Deputy can be a family member, spouse or close friend and can even be a professional such as an accountant or solicitor.
We offer the following services:
- Lasting Powers of Attorney
- Court of Protection
- Mental Incapacity
- Living wills: we can advise you about creating an ‘advance decision’ in relation to your future medical treatment