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Get to know our expert and sensible team of solicitors that will help you to keep safe
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If you are suffering domestic abuse it is important to stop this situation quickly.
Helpful links
Supportive organisations as the Police or Women’s Aid can help you stop suffering in silence
People sometimes misunderstand domestic violence and think that it just includes physical abuse when it actually includes a wide range of behaviour. Some examples of signs of domestic violence include:
- Being threatened with or subjected physical violence
- Being forced to do things
- Verbal and emotional abuse
- Being isolated from family and friends
- Being harassed at home or at work
- Destructive criticism, humiliation or belittling
- Being controlled
- Sexual abuse
- Financial abuse
At WTB Solicitors we know that domestic abuse can be complicated. Our specialist domestic violence solicitors can talk to you in confidence about what you have experienced and offer you advice and assistance tailored to your needs. If you want to speak to a solicitor about your issues please call 0161 224 3311.