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Our Team
Our solicitors are specialist in all things related to domestic violence and the septs you can take to keep safe
Contact us
If you need a court order to last longer do not hesitate to contact us. You can find our office or phone number here
Helpful links
If you are not secure in your own home, there are different supportive associations that can help you
A Domestic Violence Protection Notice (DVPN) is the initial notice issued by the police to provide emergency protection to an individual believed to be the victim of domestic violence. If authorised by a police superintendent the notice can prevent your partner from returning to your home or contacting you. The DVPN can be made if your partner has been violent or threatened to be violent towards you and the police feel it is necessary to protect you. The Domestic Violence Protection Notice can be made without you consenting to it. If your partner breaches the DVPN they can be arrested.
The police must make an application to the magistrates’ court for a Domestic Violence Protection Order (DVPO) within 48 hours of making a DVPN. The Magistrates can make a DVPO if they are satisfied on the balance of probabilities that your partner has been violent towards, or has threatened violence towards, you and it is necessary to protect you from violence or a threat of violence from your partner. A DVPO last between 14 and 28 days.
A DVPO may be in force for no fewer than 14 days beginning on the day on which it was made and no more than 28 days.
If you feel you need longer lasting protection you may wish to consider making an application for a non-molestation order. You may also want to consider the arrangements for your children and what you are going to do about financial matters stemming from the relationship breakdown. If you wondering what to do next please contact one of our experienced solicitors on 0161 224 3311.