The latest statistics published by the ONS on Marriages in England and Wales have revealed that there has been an increase in what has been called “silver marriage”
Marriages of men and women aged 65 and over have increased on 12% and 17% respectively as opposed to the previous statistics (2012). Within those, there has also been a 56% increase in the marriage rate for women aged 65 and over and a 41% for men aged 65 and over.
We don’t know the reasons for that increase. It might be that people are widowed, 2nd marriages… but not only has silver marriage increased, but also the silver divorce, as we explained in a blog a couple of months ago.
There is a moment in life when we should be more cautious than ever, and thought it is a great thing seeing over the 65’s getting married and living their lives as they always wanted, it is good that we don’t get carried away by the spur of the moment without thinking about the future.
Pre nups
A pre nuptial agreement is a contract that couples sign before marriage to establish how their assets will be divided in case that they split up.
You might have heard that many famous people have this contract signed, but it is not only for celebrities but it is becoming quite popular for those starting a new life with a second partner.
We really recommend to write a will in addition to a pre nup agreement. As the pre nup agreement will not govern what happens to your assets and your heirs once you pass away.
Wills and second families
Under the British intestacy rules, your new family (step-children or step-grandchildren) won’t inherit anything of your estate automatically. The distribution of assets will be very strict when you don’t have a will.
We believe that when you start a new family, usually, you love the family of your partner as if it was yours and you might want to provide for them as well as (or not) for your previous family and the only way of having peace of mind that your wishes will be followed after your death is by writing a will.
At WTB Solicitors we have expert solicitors dealing with family issues that can help you with your prenuptial agreement and writing your will. If you are not ready to do that, but need more information, feel free to call us on 0161 224 3311 and we will explain you further and will help you make an informed decision about it.